01-01-2024 - 20-01-2024

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million business and professional leaders who come together to make a positive difference in their communities. We spend our personal time and resources to work on a wide range of projects to support our community needs. Rotary has always believed in partnering with likeminded organisations to achieve bigger impact. While United Nations, WHO, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are some global examples, we also partner with many MSMEs and large corporations in Maharashtra at the local level for implementing their CSR projects. Appreciating and recognising social commitment through Rotary CSR Awards is an important part of our core activities. I believe, such recognition helps in raising awareness about important social issues being addressed by the businesses and inspires others to get involved. This can further lead to high impact collaboration among businesses. Recognition also helps in developing stronger sense of purpose and meaning in the work that they do. I wholeheartedly invite all the companies in the region to participate in Rotary CSR Awards.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 01-01-2024
End Date 20-01-2024
Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/, Electronic medium- radio/theatre advertisement/ cable tv, Other websites - RI club showcase/Individual websites, Others, Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards), Publication/Print media, Rotary Promtion Events

Other Public Image Avenue

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