Demystifying Breat Cancer - Insights for all by Dr. CB Koppikar, renowned Breat Cancer Surgeon

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 15 Jul 2023
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Demystifying Breat Cancer - Insights for all by Dr. CB Koppikar, renowned Breat Cancer Surgeon
Meeting Agenda Lecture by Dr Koppikar followed by Mini Fellowship
Chief Guest Dr. CB Koppikar
Club Members Present 51
Minutes of Meeting After a good pre-Fellowship which started at 6.30 p.m. at the Poona Club Conference Hall 1, President Ajay Chitnis called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and welcomed all members, guests, and visiting Rotarians. President Ajay also introduced and welcomed Rotary International guests - Ms. Erendira Vazquez-Parrales, Ms. Anja Van Ostran, Rtn Nevine Abdelkhalek and Rtn. Rajesh Anand. President Ajay informed members about the progress made in the Eye check-up project, installation of Interact Clubs and IWC’s installation of their President Hutukshi Pundole. He also talked about the upcoming RCPC programs. Dr. C. B. Koppiker, a Breast Cancer and Oncoplastic Surgeon with the largest number of Oncoplastic surgeries in Asia, did full justice to his talk on “Demystifying Breast Cancer...Insights for all”. All those who attended were convinced that the best way to deal with the the challenge of breasr cancer is early detection, which invariably results in most people being able to conquer it! President Ajay ended the meeting, conveying his heartfelt thanks to Dr. Koppiker for an insightful talk! The mini-fellowship that followed saw many of our members interacting with Dr. Koppiker and his better half Laleh and pounding him with more questions following his talk.