The Journey of Journalism in India

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 02 Sep 2023
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic The Journey of Journalism in India
Meeting Agenda Guest Lecture by Mrs Vinita Deshmukh
Chief Guest Mrs Vinita Deshmukh
Club Members Present 41
Minutes of Meeting Indian Journalism’s Chequered Journey Vinita Deshmukh, our outspoken and fearless guest speaker, gave us her thought- provoking views on “The Journey of Journalism in India” based on her personal experience in the field. An award-winning editor and intrepid investigative reporter, Vinita’s own journey in the field of journalism has spanned 36 years, during which she has worked with the country’s leading newspaper publishing groups, including the Times of India and the Indian Express. Vinita traced the journey of the Indian press back to the days of the Empire, when journalists presented a united front against British rule. Post-Independence the publication boom began, as newspapers in English and regional languages mushroomed throughout the country. But in recent years, according to Vinita, “decadence” has infested the media — both newspapers and television — who are solely driven by the profit motive. Her talk was followed by a lively Q/A Session. Earlier in the evening, President Ajay Chitnis gave a brief update on the ongoing programme of distribution of spectacles at a camp conducted by the Dakshana Foundation in association with RCPC and the Community Eye Care Foundation. A total of 295 students had their eyes examined. President Ajay also gave details of the Cadre Visit, the RID 3131 membership seminar, and Rtn. Dr. Balasaheb Bande’s visit to Rotary Clubs in New Zealand. Continuing the series of reminiscences by Past Presidents, last week it was Rtn. PP Raja Kharadkar’s turn to look back on his year in office from 1996–97, during which the Rotary theme was “Build the Future with Action and Vision”. Raja highlighted several major projects undertaken during his tenure, including promoting the jogging park at Bund Garden and setting up a Senior Citizens Club at the site, undertaking corrective surgeries for children affected by polio, setting up of a science lab for a school run by the Poona Women’s Council, and several other projects. We offered birthday greetings to Rtn. Sanjiv Agarwal, R’Ann Hina Shah, R’Ann Seema Handa, Rtn. Minal Kering, R’Ann Radhika Malhotra, R’Ann Simran Kaur Sachdev, and Rtn. Amita Munot The evening ended on a cheery note with the Happy Hours Fellowship sponsored by Rtn. Ashish Goyal.