21-06-2024 - 31-03-2025

The primary objective of the project is to sponsor Paediatric Cardiac surgery for children born with congenital heart disease (CHD) and provide Ante-Natal Care for maternal health and nutrition to pregnant women to prevent the occurrence of CHD. The project addresses the treatment and prevention of one of the major causes of infant mortality in India. The project will benefit children from the economically weaker sections of society suffering from CHD, who do not have access to adequate medical facilities and cannot afford the expensive surgery. It will also benefit pregnant women who do not have access to proper Ante-Natal care and do not get proper nutrition. Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Khargar, Navi Mumbai (District Raigad) is part of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Health & Education Trust (designated Cooperating Organization in MOU), that runs three charitable hospitals in India: Palval in Haryana; Raipur in Chattisgarg; and Khargar in Navi Mumbai. These are world class hospitals with extensive experience in Paediatric Cardiac care. The hospitals provide Paediatric Cardiac surgery at a negotiated fixed price of Rs 1,50,000 which includes preoperative test, post-operative care (in ICU if required), and follow up visits. It also covers the cost of hospital stay and food for the parents accompanying the children. The entire cost is funded from donations. The beneficiaries do not have to pay for the treatment. One of the primary causes of CHD is inadequate nutrition available to expectant mothers. In India it is estimated that about 240,000 children are born each year with congenital heart disease (CHD), which is 1% of all children born. Lack of timely diagnosis, affordable medical treatment in the form of paediatric cardiac surgeries is a primary cause for these child deaths among the economically weaker sections. CHD is detectable and fully treatable. The reason children from poorer families do not receive treatment is lack of funds to pay for the surgery. The Sai Sanjeevani hospitals also conduct ante-natal care screening programme that aims to contribute to women’s health by furthering existing Maternal Health programs of State Governments. The program integrates various aspects of Ante-natal screening: In-Hospital ANC Camps; Ultrasonography services; health education; nutrient supplement distribution, training of social workers (ASHA and Anganwadi Workers). This program has touched the lives of over 20,000 women. The project will cater to all types of paediatric cardiac operations and Catheter interventions like ASD / VSD /PDS device closures, PAPVC, Intra Cardiac Repair for TOF, Aortic Valve Repair, AV Canal Repair, Arterial Switch and balloon dilations. In GG2122528 CHD Global Grant Project, RCPC have successfully saved the lives of over 40 children. 230 pregnant women were provided antenatal care and nutrition packages beside regular check-ups and guidance. In GG2233899 CHD Global Grant Project, RCPC have successfully saved the lives of over 81 children. 288 pregnant women were provided antenatal care and nutrition packages beside regular check-ups and guidance. This project now envisaged will benefit 50 children from the economically weaker sections of society suffering from CHD, who do not have access to adequate medical facilities and cannot afford the expensive surgery. It will also benefit 170 pregnant women who do not have access to proper Ante-Natal care and do not get proper nutrition. Rotary will bear the cost of surgery and Ante-Natal care. The beneficiaries will not have to pay anything

Project Details

Start Date 21-06-2024
End Date 31-03-2025
Project Cost 8960562
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 230
Partner Clubs RC Morrisville Yardley & Others, USA (D7430) RC Fort Wayne, USA (overseas partner club) [D6540] RC Great Falls, USA)
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health