17-09-2023 - 17-09-2023

It was an activity for Disha, Rotract Club at Jagriti School which was sponsored by Rotary Club of Pune Central. With the help of Tata Communications and Vanashri Foundation, a sensory garden was created in the campus of NFBM Jagriti School for Blind Girls. Twenty-five girls of classes 11, 12 and FYBA participated in the activity. Sensory Garden is a unique concept, stimulating and engaging the five basic senses of sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. This type of garden not only allows you to connect to nature, but encourages you to become more aware of your surroundings and your response to them, tapping into the principles of mindfulness. Spending time in a sensory garden can help enhance your sense of wellbeing, reduce stress and calm your mind. Plants with distinct fragrance like tulsi, curry leave plants, mogra plants were selected for the sensory garden.

Project Details

Start Date 17-09-2023
End Date 17-09-2023
Project Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 140
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment, Other Projects